1upUSA |Platteville, WI| 1upUSA Bicycle Trainer and eMotion Rollers
A.C. Shiners |Okeana, OH| lures for all freshwater sport fish
A.E. Schmidt Co. |St. Louis, MO| billiard tables
A.N.T. Bicycles |Holliston, Massachusetts |Bicycles, Bicycle Accessories
ABC Board Supply |Costa Mesa, CA| skateboards
Accu-Strike |Ord, NE| chin-operated welding helmet.
Acorn Bags |California |Cycling Bags
Acushnet Co. |Fairhaven, MA| manufacturer of Titleist golf balls
Addendia| creator of Hi & Dri Storage Pallets,
Aegis Racing Bikes |Van Buren, ME| carbon fiber bikes, handmade in Maine
Aero-Fast Bicycle Co. |Jacksonville, FL| Emory industrial bikes, unicycles, and Aerofast vintage bikes
Bike Friday |Eugene, OR| hand-built folding and travel bikes
Aerostitch |Duluth, MN| – Motorcycle clothing
Ahearne |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Airstream |Jackson Center, Ohio |Recreational Vehicles
Alan’s Factory Outlet |Luray, VA| prebuilt storage sheds, garages, and horse barns
All Pro Rods |McMinnville, TN| fishing rods of graphite, titanium, and cork to be light and strong
All Weather Billiards |Naples, FL| outdoor pool and billiard tables
Almost Heaven Saunas |Renick, WV| barrel saunas
Amador Flower Farm |Plymouth, CA| over 800 varieties of daylilies
Ambruster Tent Company |Springfield, Illinois |Canvas Tents
Ame & Lulu |Brookline, MA| fashionable golf club covers, tennis raquet covers
American Carbide |South Easton, MA| carbide end mills, burrs, and router bits
American Lawn Mower Co. |Shelbyville, IN| Lightweight push reel mowers
American Outdoors | coolers, boat totes, camp chairs
American Pond Kits| “Do-It-Yourself” pond kits
American Workbench |Charleston, SC| hand-built wood workbenches
Ames |Camp Hill, PA| – Garden, Outdoor Tools
Annie’s Heirloom Seeds |Beaver Island, MI| heirloom seeds for over 50 varieties of vegetables and herbs
Annin & Company |Roseland, New Jersey |Flags
Aqua Jogger |Eugene, OR| buoyancy belts and other water exercise equipment
Arc Flashlight |Phoenix, AZ| LED pocket flashlights
Ardent Reels |Macon, MO| precision casting and spinning fishing reels and accessories
Ariens Corp. |Brillion, WI| snow blowers and zero-turn mowers
Armstoring Industrial Hand Tools |Sumter, SC| – Hand Tools
Arrow Storage Products |Breese, IL| steel storage sheds
Arthur Lauer |Milford, OH| handcrafted teak outdoor furniture
Atera AnyTemp Spas |Glendale, AZ| hot tubs, spas, and swim spas
Atlas Cutting Tools |Waterbury, CT| carbide, high speed steel and cobalt cutting tools
Avet Reels |Chatsworth, CA| saltwater fishing reels
Awl for All |Arlington Hts., IL| wooden-handled lock stitch sewing awl for repairing leather, canvas, vinyl
Bailey Works |Portsmouth, New Hampshire |Bicycle Bags
BaileyWorks Bags |Portsmouth, NH| duffle bags, courier bags, and laptop socks
Bark River Knives |Escanaba, MI| knives and other cutting tools
Barr Specialty Tools |McCall, ID| hand-forged woodworking tools
Battle Lake Outdoors |Clarissa, MN| packs, bags, and accessories
Bear & Son Cutlery |Jacksonville, AL| hunting knives, camp axes and saws, pocket knives, and multi-tools
Beautiful Views |Pickens, SC| hanging window shelves for plants
Beckel Canvas |Portland, Oregon |Bags, Tents, Etc.
Bedrock Sandals. |Richmond, CA| – Outdoor Sandals
Beer City Skateboards |Milwaukee, WI| a skateboard company
Behring Made| Knives
BenchCrafted |Cedar Rapids, IA| woodworking vises
Benchmade Knife Company |Oregon City, OR| – Tactical Knives
Best Made Co. |New York, NY| Hudson Bay axes and longer-handled American Felling axes,
Big Gator Tools |Louisburg, KS| high quality drill and tap guides
Bilenky Cycle Works |Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |Bicycles
Billykirk |Pennsylvania |Bags, Leather Goods
Black River Tools |Manning, SC| garden tools
Blue Spruce Toolworks |Oregon City, OR| woodworking hand tools
Bodelin Technologies |Lake Oswego, OR| hand-held digital microscope
Bondhus |Monticello, MN| ball-point hex tools
Boss Bags Inc. |Hortonville, WI| detachable leather motorcycle saddlebags and luggage
Bourget’s Bike Works |Phoenix, AZ| – Motorcycles
Braun Corporation| Manufacturer of wheelchair lifts and ramps, transit vehicles
Bridge City Tool Works |Portland, OR| woodworking hand tools
Briggs & Stratton |Wauwatosa, WI| manufacturers of small gasoline engines
Brooklyn Machine Works |Brooklyn, New York |Bicycles
Buck Knives |Post Falls, ID| – Tactical Knives
Bully Tools |Steubenville, OH| – Shovels, Rakes
Butler Bags |Cedar City, UT| sleeping bags, bedrolls, and gear bags
C.A. Myers Co. |Arlington Heights, IL| – Mending Tools
Calfee Design | La Selva Beach, California |Bicycles
Camp Time |Spokane Valley, WA| – Camping Chairs, Cots, Tables
CAN-GUN 1 |Ashland, OR| spray can handles that attach to any standard aerosol can
Capitol Sheds | outdoor storage solutions, including sheds, pool houses, play
Carolina Glove |Conover, NC| gardening and work gloves
Carruth Studio |Waterville, OH| garden art, statues, rain gauges, thermometers, stepping stones,
Carts Vermont |St Johnsbury, VT| – Garden Carts
Cascade Designs |Seattle, WA| manufacturer of camping gear
Case Knives| Pocket and hunting knives
Casual Living Unlimited |Lancaster County, PA| porch swings, benches, tables rocking chairs
Catrike |Winter Garden,FL| high-performance recumbent trikes
CETMA |Venice, CA| cargo bikes and bike racks
Channellock Inc. |Meadville, PA| over 120 different sizes and types of pliers and other hand tools
Chapman Tools |Durham, CT| midget ratchets and adaptors
Chappell Universal Square and Rule |Brownfield, ME| framing squares and other layout tools
Chattahoochee Pencil Co. |Atlanta, GA| unique drawing and marking tools
Chris Reeve Knives |Boise, ID| – Military Knives
Christopher’s Games | croquet sets
CiloGear |Portland, OR| light-weight alpine climbing backpacks
Coach Deck |San Diego, CA| decks of cards
CobraHead Tools |Cambridge, WI| Cultivator
Cohort Skateboards | skateboards
Co-Motion |Eugene, OR| tandem bicycles, plus road, racing, and travel bikes
ComposTumbler |Lancaster, PA| rotating composters in 4 sizes
Condor Products |Cortland, IL| motorcycle support, transport, and security products.
Confederate Motorcycles |Birmingham, AL| – Motorcycles
CoolTote |Reno, NV| CoolTote insulated lunch sacks, wine bags, and travel coolers
Council Tool |Lake Waccamaw, NC| striking, digging, and firefighting tools
Courage Bicycle Mfg Co. |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Creative Mailbox Planters |Stover, MO| planter
Crick Tool |Ben Wheeler, TX| standard and door buck levels,
Cutco Cutlery |Olean, NY| – Kitchen Cutlery
CycleTote |Ft. Collins, CO| hand-crafted bicycle trailers
Cyclo Toolmakers |Longmont, CO| polishers with dual orbiting heads f
D2 Shoe |Eagle, CO| precision fit or full custom cycling shoes
Darkfin Gloves |Pioneer, TN| webbed gloves of latex rubber for surfers, divers, boater and, kayakers
Davidson |Seattle, Washington |Bicycles
de Martini Bags |New York, NY| canvas messenger bags
Deep Digger Garden Trowel |Shelbyville, IN| trowels
Deltronic |Santa Ana, CA| optical comparators
Derri-Air |Rexford, MT| GelFoam cushioned seats and padded seat covers for outdoor bikes
DeWalt |Towson, MD| – Select Power, Hand Tools
Dexter Russell Cutlery |Southbridge, MA| – Kitchen Knives
Diamond Saw Works |Chaffee, NY| Sterling-brand saw blades
Dig Rig| a molded plastic attachment that fits over the shovel blade edge
Dimide |Milford, CT| – Clamps
DMT |Marlborough, MA| diamond sharpeners for kitchen, garden, and workshop tools.
Drifter Bag |Parma, OH| backpacks, pencil pouches, laptop bags, fanny packs, and luggage
Driveway Spikes| visual barrier at the entrance to your driveway
Duluth Pack |Duluth, MN| canvas and leather packs, totes, duffels, and soft luggage
DuneCraft |Chagrin Falls, OH| garden terrarium and biodome kits
- Parrella Co. |EPCO| |Medway, MA| manufacturer of billiard balls, bocce balls
Eagle America |Huntingdon Valley, PA| – Routers, Woodworking
Easy Racers |Freedom, CA| recumbent bikes
EcoSpeed |Portland, OR| manufacturer of “electric assist” bicycle systems
Edelbrock| Specialty vehicle parts
Eklind Tool Co. |Franklin Park, IL| hex tools, including folding, L-keys, and T-keys
Electrical Safety Products |Woburn, MA| 1000v dielectric double-insulated electrical tools and safety equipment.
Ellis Canvas Tents |Durango, CO| – Canvas Tents, Bedrolls
Emerson Knives |Harbor City, CA| – Tactical Knives
Ener-Gel Insoles |Penn Run, PA| impact-absorbing gel inserts for athletes
Eppinger |Dearborn, MI| – Fishing Lures
Equinox, Ltd. |Williamsport, PA| makers of ultralight backpacking gear
Erik Buell Racing |East Troy, WI| – Motorcycles
Esee Knives |Gallant, AL| – Tactical Knives
Esky |Wichita, KS| – Coolers
Estwing |Rockford, IL| hammers, mallets, axes, and geological tools
Excel| Hand dryers
E-Z Haul Carts |Van Nuys, CA| garden and utility carts
EZ-Sales and Mfg |Gardena, CA| hammocks, folding aluminum camp chairs, cots, and canteens
Fanno Saw Works |Chico, CA| folding and pole-handle pruning saws
Fast Boy Cycles |New York, New York |Bicycles
Feathered Friends |Seattle, WA| sleeping bags, outwear, and comforters
Fisher Blacksmithing |Bozeman, MT| hand-forged steel gardening tools
Fisher Machine |Hawthorne, CA| edge finders, v-blocks and clamps, sine bars, and thread measuring wires.
Flex-Head Tees| flexible golf tees
Flexrake |Temple City, CA| – Rakes, Hand Tools
Florian Tools |Southington, CT| hand pruners, loppers, and pole pruners
Fold-A-Goal |Los Angeles, CA| soccer goals
Forrest Mfg. |Clifton, NJ| Forrest Saw Blades for table saws, radial arm saws and chop/miter saws
Foxcreek Leather| American-made riding gear and accessories
Frost River |Duluth, Minnesota |Bags, Tents
Fuerte Cases |La Mesa, CA| waterproof protective cases for laptops, PDAs, firearms
Fuerte Cases |La Mesa, CA| waterproof protective cases for laptops, PDAs, firearms
Garden and Yard Products.com | deck flooring, hose guides, plastic garden fencing
Garden Works |Ocala, FL| makers of the Soil Scoop, Tiger Trowel
Gardex Lawn and Garden Tools |St. Louis, MO| quality lawn rakes
Gaslite Outdoor Gas Yard Lights | excellent lighting
Geneva Manufacturing| Modular garage organizing gear
Gerber |Portland, OR| – Multi-use Knives
GizzMoVest |Goleta, CA| custom molded protective cases for handheld electronic devices
Gold West Pool Tables |Portland, OR| custom pool, billiard, and snookers tables
Golfer’s Footprint | this swing trainer is a hitting board with arrows to help standardize your setup
GooseFeet Gear |Milledgeville, GA| – Down Socks, Pillows, Pants
Grace Note Wind Chimes |Mariposa, CA| wind chimes
Grace USA |Williamsburg, MI| handmade tools for the gun industry
Green Guru Gear |Boulder, CO|rubber inner tubes, fashionable totes, messenger bags, wallets
Gunnar Cycles |Waterford, Wisconsin |Bicycle Frames
Hardcore Hammers |Shawnee, KS| carpenter’s framing hammers
Harley-Davidson |Milwaukee, WI| – Motorcycles
Hawaiian Gun Rack |Carson, CA| handmade wooden racks for surfboards, paddle boards, skateboards
Heart Hoe |Alva, FL| weeding and edging tools for lawn or garden.
Heritage General Store| Bicycles
Hobart Welders |Troy, OH| all Hobart MIG and stick welders
Holdredge Enterprises |West Burlington, NY| Hooke ‘n Crooke garden tool
Homecrest Outdoor Living |Wadena, MN| outdoor furniture
Hufnagel |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Hyperlite Mountain Gear | Biddeford, Maine |Bags, Tents, Outdoor Goods
INCRA Precision Tools |Dallas, TX| woodworking tools
Independent Fabrication |Somerville, MA| custom-made bike frames in titanium or steel
INOVA Light |North Kingstown, RI| tactical LED flashlights
Ira Ryan Cycles |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Iron Company| exercise equipment
Iron Stop Wind Spinners |Denton, TX| colorful, fun Wind Spinners
J.J. Potts |Salt Lake City, UT| handpainted ceramic garden mushrooms
J.P. Weigle |Lyme, Connecticut |Bicycles
Jackson Kayak |Sparta, TN| kayaks for whitewater and flat-water paddlers
Janus American Motorcycles |Goshin, IN| – Motorcycles
Johnson Level & Tool Mfg. Co. |Mequon, WI| laser and “bubble” levels, framing squares, and other leveling,
KA-BAR Knives |Olean, NY| – Survival Knives
Katabatic Gear |Lakewood, CO| – Sleeping Bags, Backpacks, Hoods
Kefty Co. |St. Paul, MN| the KEFTY is a light-weight hand-held exerciser
Kershaw Knives |Tualatin, OR| – Tactical Knives
Kimmel Gnomes | stoneware pottery gnomes
Kinesis Photo Gear |Mt. Pleasant, UT| modular belt-pouch systems for photojournalists
King Saddlery| Western saddles, tack, ropes
Kirkham’s Outdoor Products |Salt Lake City, UT| manufacturer of Springbar and AAA canvas wall tents
Klein Tools |Lincolnshire, IL| – Professional Hand Tools
Kodiak Cutting Tools |Webster, NY| supplier of American-made end mills, taps, twist drills
Ladder’s Little Helper| an anti-slip ladder guide
Lake Buchanan Industries |Buchanan Dam, TX| manufacturer of BarrelBlaster blast cabinets
LakeShore Carbide |Buffalo, NY| high performance carbide endmills
Lamiglas |Woodland, WA| – Fishing Rods
Lawn Chair Usa | Walthourville, Georgia |Lawn Chairs
Leader MotorSports |St. Francis, MN| mounts for electronics |GPS units, satellite radios, iPods/MP3
Leather Head Sports |Glen Rock, New Jersey |Sporting Goods
Leather Pros |Neenah, WI| leather saddlebags for Harley Davidson
Leatherman |Portland, OR| knives, pruners, and multi-tools
Leatherman |Portland, Oregon |Multi-Tools
Legend Fitness |Maynardville, TN| manufacturer of commercial strength equipment
Liberty Bottleworks| Water bottles
Lie-Nielsen Toolworks |Warren, ME| – Saws, Chisels
Lightspeed | Chattanooga, Tennessee |Bicycles
Linear Recumbent |Alfred Station, NY| recumbent bikes
Litespeed Racing Components |Chattanooga, TN| manufacturer of road and mountain bikes
Little Colorado |Denver, CO| outdoor furniture, kid-sized,
Littleford |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
LoggerHead Tools |Chicago, IL| adjustable Bionic Wrench, covering a range of SAE/metric sizes
LogRite Tools |Vernon, CT| aluminum-handled logging tools
Louisville Slugger |Louisville, KY| all bats made in USA
Luggage Locker |St. Clairsville, OH| luggage designed for motorcycles
LumberJack Tools |Colorado Springs, CO| specialty cutting tools for timber framing
Lynskey Performance |Chattanooga, TN| a new company by the original founders of Litespeed
MagEyes |Kerrville, TX| optical quality magnifying lenses
MagLite |Ontario, CA| flashlights and mini-flashlights
Manchester Wood |Granville, NY| wood Adirondack furniture, plus desks, shelving, and accent tables
Mantis Garden Tools |Southampton, PA| garden tillers
Map |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Master Gage |Thousand Oaks, CA| precision tooling for setting up woodworking machinery.
Maxim Mfg |Sebastopol, MS| tillers, trimmers, log splitters, and garden carts
Meadowcraft |Birmingham, AL| wrought iron outdoor furniture
Mervin Manufacturing |Seattle, WA| handcrafted snowboards
Metrofiets |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Micatech |Hillsboro, NH| top and side-mounting, waterproof motorcycle luggage
Midwest Contracting & Mfg |WaKeeney, KS| makers of the Dirt King trike
Midwest Tool & Cutlery |Sturgis, MI| forged blade hand tools
Miller Electric |Appleton, WI| welders
Missouri Washer Works | pitching washers |similar to horseshoes|
Mi-T-M Corp. |Peosta, IA| pressure washers, generators, air compressors, and wet/dry vacs
Montana Brand Tools |Ronan, MT| drill and drive sets
Moody Tools |Warwick, RI| manufacturers of precision miniature tools.
Moots Cycles |Steamboat Springs, Colorado |Bicycles
My Medic |Salt Lake City, UT| – Weatherproof First Aid Kits
Nags Head Hammocks |Nags Head, NC| hammocks, porch swings and rope furniture
Nalgene |Rochester, NY| water bottles, bike bottles, travel mugs
Needak Mfg. |O’Neill, NE| manufacturer of Soft Bounce rebounders
Never Summer Industries |Denver, CO| snowboards and skateboards,
Niagara Cutter |Amherst, NY| carbide and diamond-coated carbide cutting tools
Nice Raxx |Medina, OH| storage accessories for motorcycle stands and trailer restraints.
Noden Furniture Design |Trenton, NJ| Adjust-A-Bench allows easy changes to work surface height
Nomadic Stove Co.| manufacturer of the Trekker Stove
Northern Lites |Wausau, WI| high tech, lightweight snowshoes
Novel Products |Rockton, IL| manufacturer of Figure Finder tape measures and skinfold calipers
Nunatak Gear |Twisp, WA| ultralight down sleeping bags,
Occidental Leather |Sonoma County, CA| tool holders and tool belts
Old Man Mountain |Santa Barbara, CA| front and rear pannier racks for bicycles
Ontario Knife Co. |Franklinville, NY| sporting/outdoor and survival knives
Open Country |Two Rivers, WI| – Camping Equipment, Cookwear
Oregon Patio Works |Corvallis, OR| Adirondack chair kits and tables
Organic Composter| Urban Compost Tumbler
Outdoor Research |Seattle, WA| shelter systems, headwear, gaiters/footwear, and storage systems
Outer Banks Hammocks |Wilmington, NC| hand-made rope hammocks, porch swings
Palmor Products, Inc. |Thorntown, IN| Trac-Vac lawn vacuums
Park Tool |St. Paul, MN| bicycle repair tools
Patio Furniture Cushions |Elizabethton, TN| patio cushions and umbrellas
PDY Systems |Newport, TN| makers of Lift-N-Lok toolboxes
Pendleton Woolen Mills |Portland, Oregon |Sportswear, Blankets*
Penn |Spirit Lake, IA| – Reels, Rods and Tools
Pereira |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Phil Wood |San Jose, California |Bicycle Components
Pit Bull Products |Huntsville, AL| motorcycle stands, trailer restraints, and steering stabilizers
Polly Products |Mulliken, MI| outdoor benches, picnic tables, trash receptacles, and bike racks
Poly-Wood, Inc. |Syracuse, IN| casual outdoor furniture
Pool Shot |Ashtabula, OH| portable and deck-mounted ball games |volleyball, basketball, and football
Power Shelf |Plymouth, OH| an outlet cover complete with a small shelf
Prairie Leisure |Pierz, MN| outdoor furniture, including Adirondack furniture
Pro Tool Industries |Pottstown, PA| utility knives and saws, plus Woodman’s Pal land clearing tool
Purcell Trench Mfg |Addy, WA| ultra-lightweight camping grills and tarp shelters
Purdy |Cleveland, OH| – Paint Brushes
QPI Tools |Steubenville, OH| landscaping and gardening tools, plus tools for building and remodeling project
Randall Made Knives |Orlando, FL| hand-crafted knives
Red Oxx |Billings, MT| travel bags, luggage and gear bags
Red Pig Garden Tools |Boring, OR.| – Hand Made Garden Tools
RedLine Tools |Minneapolis, MN| machine tools |carbide endmills, drills, threadmills, and toolholders
Rich Mfg. |Thorntown, IN| manufacturer of Convertible Mowers, zero turn mowers
Richard Sachs Cycles |Chester, Connecticut |Bicycles
Rio Products |Idaho Falls, ID| – Fly Line
Rivendell Bicycle Works |Walnut Creek, California |Bicycles*
Rizk National Industries |Warren, MI| battery chargers, booster cables, and transformers
Rogue Hoe |Cabool, MO| specialty hoes for lawn, garden, and smaller hand hoes
Sage |Bainbridge Island, Washington| – Fly Fishing Gear
Santa Barbara Bells |Santa Barbara, CA| windchimes
Saris Cycling Group |Madison, WI| manufacturer of cycle racks and trainers
Schutt Sports| Football, baseball and softball gear
Scientific Anglers |Midland, MI| – Fly Line, Accessories
Serotta |Saratoga Springs, NY| high performance custom bicycles
Seven Cycles |Watertown, Massachusetts |Bicycles
Severance Tool Ind. |Saginaw, MI| specialty high-speed steel and carbide cutting tools
Shaggy’s Copper Country Skis |Boyne City, MI| handcrafted snow skis
Shevlin Boxing Equipment |Selden, NY| leather training gloves and protective gear
Shinola |Detroit, MI| bikes for city riding and commuting
Shopsmith, Inc. |Dayton, OH| Mark V and Mark 7 woodworking machines
Signal Cycles |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Simms |Bozeman, MO| – Fishing Waders
Six-Eleven Bicycle Co. | Roanoke, Virginia |Bicycles
S-K Handtool |McCook, IL| socket and drive tools and wrenches
Ski Lounger |Ft. Collins, CO| lightweight fabric slips over skis and a pole
Skwoosh |Lawrence, MA| fitness cushions with patented TekPad gel
Slayer Barbell |Port Byron, IL| upper body fitness tools
Snapper |McDonough, GA| lawn mowers
Snyder Manufacturing |Salamanca, NY| ratchet and non-ratchet screwdrivers
Spartan Blades |Southern Pines, NC| – Survival Knives
Sport-a-Seat| portable seat for boating, pool-side
Springbar Tents |Salt Lake City, Utah |Canvas Tents
Springbar |Salt Lake City, UT| – Tents
St. Croix |Park Falls, WI| – Rods, Cases, Accessories
Steelman Cycles |Redwood City, California |Bicycles
Stephenson’s Warmlite |Gilford, New Hampshire |Tents, Sleeping Bags
Stiletto Tool Co. |Winton, CA| titanium and steel hammers
Strawberry |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Streamlight |Eagleville, Pennsylvania |Flashlights
Surefire |Fountain Valley, California |Flashlights
Swan |Marion, OH| – All-Purpose Hoses
SwingMat| rubber training mats for softball/baseball and golf
Talbot Turnings |Easton, MD| makers of Chesapeake Thunderbaseball bats
Tamrac |Chatsworth, CA| specialty bags for transporting cameras and photography equipment
TarpTent |Redwood City, CA| ultralight, mobile shelters
Taskhorse Brackets |Waterville, WA| sawhorse brackets
Tektite |Trenton ,NJ| lights
TerraCycle |Portland, OR| parts and accessories for recumbent bikes
Tet Cycles |West Branch, Iowa |Bicycles
Texas Recreation |Wichita Falls, TX| makers of Super Soft pool lounges, chairs and floats
The Original Hammock Shop | selling Pawleys Island rope hammocks
Tidewater Workshop |Egg Harbor, NJ| outdoor wooden furniture.
Tippmann Sports |Fort Wayne, IN| manufacturers of semi-automatic and full-automatic paintball markers
Tom Bihn |Seattle, WA| backpacks, briefcases, laptop bags
Topo Designs |Denver, CO| – Backpacks, Bags, Accessories
Tops Knives |Ucon, ID| – Survival Knives
Tote Me Around |St. Louis, MO| golf cart seat covers
Tough Traveler |Schenectady, NY| makers of hiking and school/day packs, soft luggage, and kids’ sleeping bags
Townsend Bicycles |Monrovia, California |Bicycles
Trager |Seattle, WA| backpacks for students and hikers, computer bags, and travel bags
Trailmate Specialty Cycles |Bradenton, FL| adult tricycles, industrial trikes, special needs, and recumbent
Trust Co. |Portland, OR| – Axes
TSL Snowshoes |Williston, VT| aluminum snowshoes for men, women, and children
Tucker & Bloom |Nashville, TN| backbacks, messenger bags, totes and duffels
Turboset |Bloomington, MN| arm support cradle that attaches to the fishing rod
U.J. Ramelson Co. |Newark, NJ| woodworking and scribing tools
Unity Snowboards |Dillon, CO| snowboards
Vanilla Bicycles |Portland, Oregon |Bicycles
Vaughan Mfg. |Hebron, IL| hammers and prybars made
Vaughan |Hebron, IL| – Hand Tools
Velo Orange |Annapolis, Maryland |Bicycles, Accessories
Venture Snowboards |Silverton, CO| snowboards
Victus| Baseball bats
Viking Cue Mfg. |Madison, WI| pool cues
Viking Drill & Tool |St. Paul, MN| cutting tools
Viking Plastics |Corry, PA| plastic and nylon fasteners |nuts, bolts, screws, washers|
Vincent & Edgar |New York, New York |Bespoke Shoes
Volae |Stevens Point, WI| recumbent bicycles with carbon forks, racing wheels, and high-tech molded seats
Voo Doo Lures |Charleston, SC| interchangeable lure system for saltwater sportsfishing
W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery |Bradford, PA| pocket knives, hunting, and fixed-blade knives
Wall Control |Tucker, GA| manufacturer of wall organizers systems |Keyword “tool organizer USA”|
Waltrich Plastic |Walthourville, GA| Webbed beach and lawn chairs with light-weight folding aluminum frames
Walz Cycling Caps |Vista, CA| cycling caps
WaterField Designs |San Francisco, CA| general purpose cargo and messenger bags
Waterford Precision Bicycles |Waterford, Wisconsin |Bicycle Frames
Weathercraft Outdoor Furniture |Asheboro, NC| Adirondack Style furniture and swings
Western Mountaineering |San Jose, California |Down Jackets, Sleeping Bags
Whalens Hooker Release |Cadillac, MI| patented archery release
Whitehall Products Ltd. |Montague, MI| house address markers and other outdoor decor
Whiteside Machine Co. |Claremont, NC| solid carbide and carbide-tipped router
Wholesome Hide| Rawhide dog chews
Wiffle Ball, Inc. |Shelton, CT| the original Wiffle ball
Wiggy’s |Grand Junction, CO| – Sleeping Bags, Outerwear
Wild Things, Inc. |North Conway, NH| light-weight climbing/outdoor gear
Wilde Tool |Hiawatha, KS| full range of hand tools, including pliers, screwdrivers, scrapers, wrenches
Williams & Hussey Machine Co. |Milford, NH| molder/planars and profile knives for woodworking
Wilson Bohannan Co. |Marion, Ohio |Padlocks
Wilson| Leather footballs, wood bats
Wm. J. Mills & Co. |Greenport, NY| canvas bags and duffels
Woodman’s Pal |Boyertown, Pennsylvania |Machete
Woodmaster Tools |Kansas City, MO| are molder, planer, sander and saw in one.
Woodpeckers Inc. |North Royalton, OH| Woodpecker woodworking tools
Worksman Cycles |Ozone Park, NY| this manufacturer of industrial bicycles and tricycles
Wright Tool |Barberton, OH| wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers, pliers, and hammers, made in USA with U.S. steel
X-Changer-R |St. Augustine, FL| oil pump systems designed to drain and fill proper oil levels
Xuron Corp. |Saco, ME| industrial and consumer handtools
Zippo |Bradford, Pennsylvania |Lighters
Z-Man |Charleston, SC| soft plastic fishing baits for fresh and saltwater species
Zoom Bait Co. |Bogart, GA| soft plastic fishing lures, made in USA for 30 years